Chemical processes in everyday life

Chemical processes are a part of everyday life. They take place in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and even inside our bodies. Everyday chemicals can be found in soaps, cleaning products, plastics, paints, and more. In this blog post, you’ll learn how chemical reactions occur in each of these areas to affect your health or the environment around you.

1 Food
The food we eat everyday contains many different types of chemicals. In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that, on average, each person in America consumes almost sixty pounds of processed food every month.
We use chemicals to preserve food that comes directly from nature. Preservatives like citric acid and benzoic acid are found in citrus fruits and berries and prevent food from spoiling by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Acetic acid, another food preservative, is used in foods like wine, cheese, and pickles to keep them from molding.
Chemicals also have a role when it comes to cooking. Sulfur trioxide is added to some canola oils when they are being made to prevent them from turning rancid. Calcium chloride is added to canned vegetables for the same purpose, as well as peas, corn, and beans.
2 Cleaning Products
Chemicals are present in cleaning products, too. The labels on cleaning products often contain words like “ultra,” “strength,” or “max.” These words mean that the product has been enhanced with chemicals to better clean your home.
3: Plastic
Chemicals are also present in plastic containers. Chemicals known as phthalates are often added to plastics during production to make them more flexible. Phthalates can leach into the food and drinks stored in these containers, making people sick or causing birth defects.

Chemicals processes are present in many of the things we come in contact with daily. These chemicals can be found inside and outside of our bodies. Many people have had adverse reactions to these everyday chemicals, but others aren’t as affected by them.